Spruce Grove Funeral Livestreaming

Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove, Leduc, St Albert

Audio / Video Streaming Specialists

Be Careful When Doing It Yourself

“Facebook cut us off!”

✗ Be careful when trying to Live Stream video yourself, or with non-video professionals.

✗ YouTube Live and Facebook Live are free, but they will turn off your Live Stream if they detect copyright music being played during your event.

✓ That’s why we use our own expensive Live Video Streaming Server. This allows us to stream anything we want, publicly or privately.

“Help, we can’t HEAR!”

✗ Be careful when trying to Live Stream audio and video yourself, or when paying for non-professionals.

✗ If you’re just holding up your cell phone, or a video camera and trying to record the room audio, you’re going to Video Streaming very poor quality audio.

✓ That’s why we use a professional Audio Mixer. When we’re streaming an audio signal we manage the different sources of audio independently through a sound mixer. This is the only way to clearly hear different aspects of the live service.

“Why is it so blurry!?”

Professionals use tripods and cameras, not hand-held iPhones.

✗ If you’ve paid someone to help you Live Video Stream your Memorial Service, and they’re using an iPhone, then they’re not professionals.

✓ Nothing provides as sharp and clear an image as a professional camera and tripod.

Memorial Live Video Streaming

Current Package

Full Service Package

This Spruce Grove Funeral Livestream service includes the use of two professional cameras, audio/video switching, and streaming with one operator.

✓ We create a custom webpage that you can share directly with family and friends. 

✓ You can watch the event Live, and will be available anytime afterwards.

✓ There are additional options such as making it downloadable, with or without a password, and includes the option for leaving special messages from viewers.

Live Funeral Video Streaming Services

✓ Live Stream with Archive Playback

✓Full HD – 1080P Playback / 720P Live

✓ Digital Copy Downloadable

✓ Clear and Focused Professional Multi-Camera

✓ Integration of Memorial Videos

✓ Crystal Clear Professional Audio

✓ Streaming to Private or Public Webpage

✓ Password Protection Option

✓ We handle all of the tech

✓ No Copyright Music interrupts during the Live Stream


Sometimes it’s complicated…


Please ask us anything!

tel:780-975-8430 robert@seminartechs.com